Author name: Kyle Oneill

John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipents

Class of 2021 Adams Scholarship Recipients Bache, Jacob Bangs, Owen Blanchard, Audrey Blouin, Ashlyn Boren, Jared Brunette, Benjamin Caswell, James Chambers, Cameron Cotti, Mattelyn Darcy, Isabelle DeSousa, Austin Duong, Krystal Durant, Taylor Farias, Bridget Finney, Joshua Franco, Dawson Lambert, Christopher Larkin, Emily Lima, Colin MacKay, Anthony McGuiggan, Ryan Mendes, Austin Miller, Samantha Mills, James Owen,

John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipents Read More »

Apply Now

Leave your options open. Apply today and make your decision in March. 8th grade students from Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, and Rochester are invited to begin the application process at

Address and Contact

476 North Avenue, Rochester, Massachusetts, 02770

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