
If you would like to make an appointment with your Guidance Counselor, please follow this link. Guidance appointment request  

Old Colony's guidance program is an integral part of the total program of instruction. The major objective of the guidance program is to help each student make the best of his/her educational opportunities toward a normal, useful and happy life. The guidance program shall be directed toward the growth and improvement of all the students in Old Colony, recognizing however, that some students are in greater need of individual guidance than others.

Old Colony's guidance program shall attempt to provide for each student a sense of belonging, self-respect, emotional security achievement and recognition. The program shall also endeavor to help the students develop an appreciation and understanding of the world in which he/she lives by providing a classroom and school environment in which effective learning and good behavior takes place.

The guidance program shall provide a positive program of correction and prevention of antisocial behavior of students. It shall aim to provide a sense of responsibility and self-respect in students. With Old Colony's statement of philosophy as a basis, the Guidance Department contributes its service in a unique way. We endeavor to compliment and supplement teaching and administrative activities by assisting students in their efforts to secure a sound vocational technical education. Self-evaluation, self-determination, and growth of the individual student academically, vocationally, emotionally, and socially are among our goals. For better understanding of the services offered to the students and to show areas where cooperation is possible, this list of services is offered:

Student Cumulative Record Folders

A complete updated record of each student has been compiled with cooperation of administration, and students.

Educational & Vocational Information

Numerous books and catalogs are available in the Guidance Library. Essential occupational, educational, training, personal and social information is available for ready access and use by students, parents, and teachers. A special collection of occupational and educational information concerning the armed forces is available. Students and parents are encouraged to visit the guidance office and use these materials or upon request they may be taken home for further study.


Individual conferences. In this area, definitely the most important in guidance, each student has the opportunity to meet with his/her counselor as frequently as possible and deemed necessary by the guidance counselor. To assure the availability in an emergency, both students and parents are encouraged to initiate a counseling session if the need arises.

Research and Follow-Up

Evaluation and analysis of test data are often made and distributed to the faculty. Follow-up studies are reported of graduates in the first, third, and fifth years, and are made available to the teachers.

The guidance staff makes every effort to assist the student in planning for his/her educational and vocational future. However we place the responsibility upon the students to see that all deadlines for applications, job interviews, tests and teacher reference are met. Part-time jobs are sometimes available. Students interested in part-time work should contact the guidance office. The services of all outside agencies are used to assist students planning to seek employment upon graduation from school. It is our intention to help every student to attain his/her goals whether it be in education, employment, vocational training or entrance into the armed services. Old Colony maintains liaison with the personnel department of area business and industrial firms for the purpose of locating, evaluation and placing students in available positions.

Occasionally, the counselor is confronted with student problems that may either lie outside his/her field of training or be best handled by or with assistance from specialized helping agencies. Fortunately, the school has been able to establish and maintain contact with numerous agencies that have the expertise to deal with such problems.

Teacher-Counselor-Parent Conferences

The guidance office is a clearing house for parent-teacher contacts. Any parent may request a conference, or ask to be called on the phone, dialing 508-763-8011 and make the request. The student's counselor will make arrangements, to contact the teacher concerned.

When questions of any type arise or any information is needed, parents should contact the guidance office. Only through open line of communication can the school and the home; work together to best serve the student.



Guidance Faculty


School Adjustment Counselor
x149 sboyle


Guidance Counselor
x128 khevey


Guidance Secretary
x126 blestage


Guidance Counselor
x127 cvandal


Guidance Counselor
x129 dwright

Apply Now

Leave your options open. Apply today and make your decision in March. 8th grade students from Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, and Rochester are invited to begin the application process at

Address and Contact

476 North Avenue, Rochester, Massachusetts, 02770

Connect. Create. Inspire.


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