Reporting a Student Absence

A parent/guardian should call/email in the absence to (508) 763-8011 ext. 111.  Email to


Any student who is absent from school must have:

• parent/guardian call or email will see this absence marked as “APC” within the online student management portal. This absence is excused.

• a parent/guardian provide a note explaining the absence upon his/her return to school. This is kept on file and marked as an excused absence “AE” within the online student management portal.

The note explaining the absence must:

• be submitted to the Attendance Office between 7:30 am –7:40 am.

• include a parent’s/guardian’s home and work telephone number if there are any questions concerning the absence.


Officially Excused Absences are absences that are documented, and recorded as “AOE” within the online student management portal such as:

• Illness verified by a medical note from a medical facility/office

• Bereavement

• Court appearances

• Jury duty

• Hospitalization (Refer to Procedure Re-entry Section)

• School-sponsored activity

• Obligatory religious holidays

• College visits (Refer to College Visits Section)

• Appointments for Driver License.

• Employment interviews or training’s that are Co-operative Education Program related


Unexcused Absences are absences that are not documented and due to:

• Family vacations

• Truancy

• Illness not verified by a medical note

• College visits that are not verified (Refer to College Visits Section)

• Employment interviews or training’s that are not related to the Co-operative Education Program.

Shop, related, and academic class work, tests, and quizzes must be made up. A student must contact all instructors within three (3) days of returning to school to schedule all make-up assignments, tests, and quizzes.

Students who are absent (unexcused) from school are not allowed to participate in athletics or school activities on the day of their absence.

A student who is absent five (5) or more consecutive days due to illness must bring in a medical note to be readmitted to school. (Refer to the Re-entry Section)

For further detailed information about the attendance policy please refer to the student handbook.

Apply Now

Leave your options open. Apply today and make your decision in March. 8th grade students from Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, and Rochester are invited to begin the application process at

Address and Contact

476 North Avenue, Rochester, Massachusetts, 02770

Connect. Create. Inspire.


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