Nurse’s Nook & Forms

Old Colony welcomes Catherine Crosby-Norton as our school nurse.  She can be reached at or by calling (508) 763-8011 x.130.


Release Forms

You may need to complete the following documents depending upon your individual son/daughter's needs.  You will be notified by Mr. Parker, Principal, Mrs. Botelho, Vocational Coordinator,  Mrs. Crosby-Norton, School Nurse, Guidance Dept. staff, and/or Mr. Trahan, Athletic Director, if these documents need to be completed for your son/daughter.

FamilyID Student Emergency Form

Medication Drop off Procedure

Parent Permission Form to Dispense Prescribed Medication

Licensed Prescriber Medication order

Guidelines for re-entry from Emergency Eval-Hosp.

Student Self-Administration form

Return to Vocational setting after injury or illness form

Request for Religious Exemption

Flu Symptom Check List

for Families, Schools and Child Care Programs

Flu season in Massachusetts usually starts in the fall and runs through the spring. The main symptoms of influenza (flu) include fever in combination with a cough and/or sore throat. Some people may also have a runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and feel tired. Some people (especially young children) may also have diarrhea and vomiting.

To keep flu from spreading in the community it is important to keep your sick child at home when he or she has the flu. Use this form during flu season to determine whether your child should attend school or child care.

Where can I find more information about influenza ?

Apply Now

Leave your options open. Apply today and make your decision in March. 8th grade students from Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, and Rochester are invited to begin the application process at

Address and Contact

476 North Avenue, Rochester, Massachusetts, 02770

Connect. Create. Inspire.


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