Program Advisory Committees

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 74, Section 2, and The Vocational Technical Education Regulation 603 CMR 4.00, the Old Colony School Committee appoints Program Advisory Committees for each program area under its control in addition to a General Advisory Committee.

The Old Colony RVTHS  Program Advisory Committees meet two times per academic year on the first Wednesday in October and the first Wednesday in April.  (Culinary Arts Program Advisory Committee meets the following Tuesday at 5:00 pm).

The responsibility of Program Advisory Committees is to advise, assist and support school personnel in order to improve planning, operation, and evaluation in its program area. Such advice shall be based on adequate and timely information as to workforce and job development demands or job market trends, technological developments, training alternatives and other factors affecting the quality of the program.

Program faculty prepares the meeting agenda with input from Advisory members.

Attendance at all meetings is taken by having members review and initial their contact information, type of representation, and composition.

New Members are always welcome.

Program faculty prepares meeting minutes following each meeting.

Regular Agenda Items:

Validation Sheet


The Chairman from each Program Advisory Board serves on the General Advisory Board.  The General Advisory Board meets ½ hour prior to the Program Advisory Board.

Apply Now

Leave your options open. Apply today and make your decision in March. 8th grade students from Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett, and Rochester are invited to begin the application process at

Address and Contact

476 North Avenue, Rochester, Massachusetts, 02770

Connect. Create. Inspire.
