Eight junior and senior programming students participated in the Bristol Community College Programming Contest on March 18, 2009. Our students were grouped into three teams. The juniors competed using the Visual Basic.NET development environment, while the seniors used a NetBeans Java environment. The competition had each team work on a set of problems of varying difficulty. The programming contest featured twelve teams from six local area high schools.
While competitive, Old Colony did not place in the contest. This was a good opportunity for the junior programming students observe how the contest was run and what to expect next year. The students now also have a good idea of how the competitive this contest is. During the bus ride from the contest, the students discussed key skills that would help them to do better next year. Among these would be a handling two dimensional arrays and string manipulation. With the sharpening of these skills Old Colony will do better in the future.
The following students participated in the programming contest for Old Colony:
- Drew Bartlett, Lakeville
- Robert Daniel, Acushnet
- Robert Dupre, Lakeville
- Kyle LeBlanc, Acushnet
- Stephen Mantia, Carver
- Eli Reznekervitz, Freetown
- Sara Sherman, Carver
- Alexander Tironati, Freetown